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Dec 2022 Ministry Update

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

Blessings to all who receive this message. I am extremely grateful to have a platform to bring glory to our God. I am thankful for all who read these words. May they be a blessing and encouragement to you. I am going to give an update on ministry and share some insight.

Coffee shop

Here in Jaco, Costa Rica I continue to see God's hand in this place and the path He has laid out before us. He has brought many people into our lives through prayerful discernment, finding those unto which He wants us to deeply invest into. At the coffee shop, we have had the blessing of continuing to encourage others amidst the church of Christ. I have found a great love in the opportunity the coffee shop presents. In the way the business is given unto the LORD for His glory. Please continue to pray for those who are suppose to walk through our doors and the Holy timing. I have seen God bring in people that with clarity I know I am suppose to speak to them and show them the truth of the Gospel through my words and actions. It has also been a great blessing to meet people in the community and have a central location to invite them to talk more and build a relationship with them.


An update on my friend! The one from an earlier blog that I had encouraged on the beach a year ago. I will respect his story and what he is walking through, but we are meeting weekly together for mentorship! God's hand in our relationship has been so clear and powerful. Thanks be to God for the gifts He has freely given me to help shepherd my brother in Christ.

Value of mentorship

I have surrounded myself with mentors while in this town. A great habit I encourage all to have. I have met many people with many different beliefs (even just within the church), and I see spiritual distraction amongst men here. It has emphasized the importance of having men next to me I can trust and grow with. I have seen the importance of relationships to surround myself with as a follower of Christ: My relationship with God first. A mentor(s) to Spiritually lead me. A group unto which I lead Spiritually (only applies if you are living the first two out well). Then the body of believers as a whole such as gatherings and non-believers you believe God has you around for a reason.


I encourage you all in keeping your firm foundation in God. That Jesus Christ is our cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20) on which we build our foundation. A firm foundation. I have seen how our relationship with God affects our lives. For those who are afraid of God's judgement, they live in fear to please those in earthly relationships. For those who don't have peace with God, they have shorter temper. For those who haven't experienced His grace, they are short to extend it upon others. There is a beauty in the reality that all good things come from God. That we freely have received, so that we may freely give (Matthew 10:8). When we walk with the trueness of God, in which we know who He is and His character, we see the fruit come from our life. That we are a reflection of the light that has come upon us. May you deepen your love in your heart, mind, and soul for God. For that is the greatest commandment. And may you see that the following of this commandment will lead you into loving your neighbor as yourself in the way God intends. Amen.


We continue to grow in the knowledge of the Gospel's beauty as time goes on. How beautiful it is! It seems so much of our walk with God seems to simply reveal the truth of what has already been given to us in new life. Thank you for your support and prayers. May you pray with zeal for what God is doing, and be filled with hope through the Spirit. We would love to hear stories of how God has been moving in your life in your replies. God bless!

Samson & Chloe



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We are a young, married couple pursuing missions with the hearts to glorify God and bring the complete Gospel to all people of all nations. Follow along as we share ministry updates and share testimonies.

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